Product Main
Packaged Burner Systems |
A complete packaged burner system includes burner, fan, windbox, piping, wiring, flame safeguard, and control
systems properly matched and assembled. This results in minimal installation cost and reduced start-up time with
single responsibility. For the system to function properly and provide reliable, efficient operation, all elements
must be suitably sized and related to each other. When you specify and purchase a TEC packaged burner system you
get the advantage of our experience in providing quality components designed and engineered into an integrated
unit, offering many years of efficient, trouble free performance.
Burner Register |
The high cost of fuel, the need of energy conservation, and reduction of air pollution, makes the requirement
for the most energy efficient fuel burning equipment with minimal pollutants an absolute necessity.
Fuel Burners |
- Gas Burner
- Oil Burner
- Ignition System
Pump and Heater Set |
The Engineer Company designs different types of pump sets, which meet special requirements our customers.
Ignition System |
Our company designed interruptible gas electric spark ignition type igniter, which produces a stable ignition
flame when supplied with natural gas at the pressure specified. Igniter gas train is factory installed at the unit.